At StackClix, we’re a mobile app development agency that’s obsessed with cutting-edge technology, human-centric experiences and disruptive growth

Lahore, Pakistan

Team Members

Happy Clients

Product Developed

Our commitment to good development extends beyond what we do to how we do it. We are open, honest, transparent partners in your growth journey

What Sets Us Apart

We offer you a design and tech team-in-a-box on a convenient monthly plan to help you scale rapidly

Reciprocal Relationship

Our team integrates seamlessly with yours to bring your vision to life. Shoulder to shoulder, side by side.

ROI Driven Process

88% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad user experience. We ensure that’s never the case for you.


Transparency is at the heart of everything we do. We communicate and share freely, openly and honestly.

User Focused Design

We’re specialists in creating unique human-centric digital experiences that are intuitive to use and innovative to interact with.

Our Team

StackClix’s success is deeply rooted in the dedication and expertise of our exceptional team. Our professionals are not just employees; they are passionate individuals who live and breathe digital innovation. With diverse backgrounds and skill sets, our team members bring a unique blend of creativity, technical prowess, and strategic thinking to every project. We collaborate seamlessly, harnessing our collective talents to deliver outstanding results. Our team’s commitment to excellence, client-focused approach, and unwavering dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends make StackClix a trusted partner in the digital arena.

Muhammad Waqas

A passionate technology enthusiast spent the last decade shaping business ideas into life

Director & CEO

Shan Abbas

Seasoned product designer with a vision to create a truly global software development company

Co-Founder & COO

Ahmad Sajjad

Experienced sales professional driven by helping entrepreneurs reach their business goals

Director of Strategy

Our Mission

At StackClix, our mission is to lead businesses and individuals on a transformative journey through the digital landscape. We believe that the digital world is an ever-expanding canvas where creativity knows no bounds. Our mission is to empower our clients to thrive in this dynamic environment by providing them with innovative digital solutions that are not only visually stunning and technologically advanced but also strategically sound. We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their digital goals, whether it’s enhancing their online presence, expanding their reach, or driving business growth. StackClix’s mission is to be the catalyst that turns digital dreams into reality.